Procedure to create database and its tables


I need to create a database for each client that performs a particular registration, so I created a procedure to do such thing.

But I came across a small identification problem. When I run procedure it creates the database with the name I passed by parameter, but at the time of creating the tables, it creates the tables in my parent database where procedure was created, I tried to use the USE nome_do_bando to refer but did not work. follow the example code:


USE 'loja_virtual_dev'$$

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS 'cria_banco_cliente'$$

CREATE DEFINER='loja_virtual_dev'@'%' PROCEDURE 'cria_banco_cliente'(IN var_banco VARCHAR(40))
    IF(var_banco <> '') THEN
        SELECT var_banco AS msg;
        SET @teste = CONCAT("CREATE DATABASE ",var_banco," DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1");
        PREPARE stmt1 FROM @teste;
        EXECUTE stmt1;

        -- USE 'var_banco'$$

        SET @sql1 := CONCAT("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS teste_loja (
          id int NOT NULL,
          data date NOT NULL,
          cliente int DEFAULT FALSE,
          id_const int DEFAULT FALSE
        ) ENGINE = innoDB");

          PREPARE stmt2 FROM @sql1;
          EXECUTE stmt2;
          DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt1;

        LEAVE main;
    END IF;


asked by anonymous 28.11.2016 / 13:45

1 answer


Solved. the simplest solution I found was this:

I created the table by passing bank_name.table_name.

SET @ sql1: = CONCAT ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS", var_banco, ".           id int NOT NULL,           date date NOT NULL,           client int DEFAULT FALSE,           id_const int DEFAULT FALSE         ) ENGINE = innoDB ");

28.11.2016 / 14:58