xamarin forms await is not respected


Good evening,

Can someone tell me why the code below does not respect Wait, in debug the output order is

    1. init save
    2. End Save 3. New header ID: 1

instead of:

    1. init save
    2. New header ID: 1
    3. End Save
public async Task Save(Ticket header, TicketLines newLines)
                Debug.WriteLine("init save");
                await dbConnection.RunInTransactionAsync(new Action<SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection>(tran =>
                    dbConnection.InsertAsync(header).ContinueWith((t) =>
                        Debug.WriteLine("New header ID: {0}", header.Id);                       
                        foreach (var item in newLines)
                            item.DocumentId = header.Id;
                Debug.WriteLine("End Save");


I want to call the Save method and in the end I command refresh the screen, what happens as it does not respect the Await I have to refresh the screen and still not insert the data

asked by anonymous 11.10.2016 / 20:48

1 answer


In fact, what is happening is that you are not expecting the InsertAsync function, so program follows normal flow and prints End Save , as expected.

The output you want requires that the InsertAsync call has ended, and ContinueWith has started. To do this, simply enter a await before dbConnection.InsertAsync . This will stop the execution of this method until ContinueWith is completed.

Warning: dbConnection.InsertAsync(...).ContinueWith(...) returns a awaitable that refers to the ContinueWith call, not InserAsync .

02.11.2016 / 03:56