Dynamic input reading in C #


I'm developing a solution in Winforms C # that receives a text file via network, via HttpWebRequest :

 HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(conexao + "/piece.txt");
            request.KeepAlive = false;
            request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10; 
            var sp = request.ServicePoint;
            var prop = sp.GetType().GetProperty("HttpBehaviour", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            prop.SetValue(sp, (byte)0, null);

And reading is done by StreamReader :

 StreamReader stream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
              stream.ReadTimeout = 8600000; //Para Evitar o timeout

This file is generated by a weight scale (each weight that passes through it creates a line in the text file piece.txt ) and because of this the file has no size definition or EOF . My problem happens when this treadmill is not passing weight and my system is trying to read the file, which is done like this:

while ((buffer = reader.ReadLine()) != null)

When the system spends 1 minute without receiving text, this line of code bursts an error:


Unable to read transport connection data: An existing connection to the remote host was forced to terminate.

I've tried to use reader.Peek() , but the same error happens.

I need a solution that does not pop this error if it does not have text, that is, it verifies that it is empty and wait until a line appears (without crashing% of the operation).

Any ideas that might help me?

A dynamic reader perhaps?

asked by anonymous 03.11.2016 / 13:23

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