I'm comparing different solvers (dopri5, dop853, vode, etc) of "scipy.integrate.ode" and would like to know if there is any way to get information like: number of iterations, number of steps used, simulation time , ...
I know how to get this kind of information in "scipy.integrate.odeint" using, for example, "infodict". However, I have not figured out any way to do this for the other solvers I'm testing. By the way, to find out the time needed, I'm using "time.clock ()" as below (I do not know if there is a better way to do this):
time_start_RK4 = time.clock()
solver = ode(reactor_ode)
solver.set_initial_value(Initial_conditions, t0)
solution_RK4 = np.empty((Nt, 8*N))
solution_RK4[0, :] = Initial_conditions
k = 1
while solver.successful() and solver.t < tf:
solution_RK4[k] = solver.y
k += 1
time_elapsed_RK4 = (time.clock() - time_start_RK4)
print(time_elapsed_RK4, 's')
Thank you in advance!