I made a small script
bookmarklet and I'm trying to add a favicon, but I can not.
It is in this bookmarklet that I want to implement a favicon - keepvid.com
// Juntar a url ativa na barra de endereço, com url destino e redireciona
<a href="javascript:location.href='http://keepvid.com?url='+location.href;">keevid : Download</a>
<p>OJETIVO - Baixar vídeos do "Youtube".</p><p>MODO DE USAR - Adicone na sua barra de favoritos. Abra um vídeo do site "Youtube" e clique no Bookmarklet.</p><p>AVISO - Ainda não há um ícone de identificação para este Bookmarklet.</p>
Accordingtotheimage,thefaviconIwishwouldbenexttothe"KeepVid: ..." title, well in the red red area. I want to add this icon to the bookmarklet above.
I quote two reference sources in the subject:
adding-favicon-to-javascript-bookmarklet-uses-window -open
How-to-have-favicon -icon-set-when-bookmarklet-dragged-to-toolbar