Timeout when trying to use Composer


When I'm running the command composer ìnstall or composer update , I'm getting this message after a certain waiting time:


The " link " file could not be   downloaded: failed to open stream: Connection timed out    link could not be fully loaded, package information   was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date

I have already checked the internet connection and everything is fine (since the question I was able to post here: p).

The strange thing is that when I connect to my Amazon server and run the same commands, installation usually occurs.

Does anyone know why Composer returns this message?

Is there a configuration that I can use to resolve this?

Update 1

When I run the command wget https://getcomposer.org/versions , I'm also having problems with timeout.

Update 2 :

I tried to remove the composer and install again. I used the command curl -sS http://getcomposer.org/installer | php

The error returned is:


The " link " file could not be downloaded:   failed to open stream: Connection timed out Retrying ..

Update 3 :

When I try to run the command composer self-update -vvv , I get the following log:

Loading config file /home/wallace/.composer/config.json
Loading config file /home/wallace/.composer/auth.json
Reading /home/wallace/.composer/composer.json
Loading config file /home/wallace/.composer/config.json
Loading config file /home/wallace/.composer/auth.json
Loading config file /home/wallace/.composer/composer.json
Loading config file /home/wallace/.composer/auth.json
Reading /home/wallace/.composer/auth.json
Checked CA file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt: valid
Executing command (/home/wallace/.composer): git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v
Executing command (/home/wallace/.composer): git describe --exact-match --tags
Executing command (/home/wallace/.composer): git log --pretty="%H" -n1 HEAD
Reading /home/wallace/.composer/vendor/composer/installed.json
Running 1.3.1 (2017-01-07 18:08:51) with PHP 7.0.13-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 on Linux / 4.4.0-57-generic
Downloading https://getcomposer.org/versions

The "https://getcomposer.org/versions" file could not be downloaded: failed  
to open stream: Connection timed out   
asked by anonymous 12.01.2017 / 18:06

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