Problems with friendly url apache 2.4.18


Good night, guys, how are you?

I installed apache 2.4.18 on my linux mint 18.1 "Serena" ciannon. When I log in to the system it stays blank and does not load the content.

  • I've already activated mod_rewrite
  • I've already changed AllowOverride in both apache2.conf and sites-available / 000-default.conf

    <Directory /var/www/html>
            Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
            AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
            AllowOverride None
            Require all granted
  • The system works perfectly on my web host (hostgator).
  • Each new change I give restart in apache in order to validate the changes ...
  • On the web server and on the local server the login page loads perfectly and creates the link: system / index.php / auth / login . When I log in, the web server (hostgator) loads the address: and the system runs, however on the local server it loads the url localhost / system / and does not show the content.

    • I decided to do a test by taking the complete url to register a new patient in the system, / system / patient / new and put it on the local server and gave the same thing, page is blank ... however it only works and loads the content if I add index.php: system / index.php / patient / new /

I do not know what to do ...

Can this be a problem in the friendly url?

Can anyone help me?

RewriteEngine on  
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|uploads|assets|robots\.txt)     
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /sistema/index.php/$1 [L]   
DirectoryIndex index.php
asked by anonymous 12.01.2017 / 00:54

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