I'm having trouble making LightBox open a specific gallery that loads images from a certain directory. At this point the code below, lists several thumbnails, which would be the image albums. When I open an image, it works the feature, but lists the thumbnails, not what is in the directory of that ID
Is this possible. Images are separated into different directories according to ID
of the gallery. The path in the database is saved, and the file in a directory. Look at my code:
foreach($dados_fotos as $gal) {
$fotos_treinamento .= <<<HTML
<div class="medium-3 columns end">
<a rel="lightbox[]" data-group="gallery-{$gal['galeria']}" href="http://sistema/public/uploads/fotos/{$gal['galeria']}/{$gal['foto']}">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-section">
<img data-galery="gallery-{$gal['galeria']}" src="http://sistema/public/uploads/fotos/{$gal['galeria']}/{$gal['foto']}"/></div></div></a></div>HTML;}