Open a gallery via ID with LightBox


I'm having trouble making LightBox open a specific gallery that loads images from a certain directory. At this point the code below, lists several thumbnails, which would be the image albums. When I open an image, it works the feature, but lists the thumbnails, not what is in the directory of that ID .

Is this possible. Images are separated into different directories according to ID of the gallery. The path in the database is saved, and the file in a directory. Look at my code:


foreach($dados_fotos as $gal) {
    $fotos_treinamento .= <<<HTML
        <div class="medium-3 columns end">
            <a rel="lightbox[]" data-group="gallery-{$gal['galeria']}" href="http://sistema/public/uploads/fotos/{$gal['galeria']}/{$gal['foto']}">
                <div class="card">
                    <div class="card-section">
                        <img data-galery="gallery-{$gal['galeria']}" src="http://sistema/public/uploads/fotos/{$gal['galeria']}/{$gal['foto']}"/></div></div></a></div>HTML;}




asked by anonymous 18.01.2017 / 14:09

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