Integrate Facebook Login into the application. Keytool error



I'm trying to integrate Facebook login into my application, so when the user signs up he can do it with Facebook. I have already seen several tutorials here - on the site - and on the internet of how it is done. But to get the hash key I'm having a problem.

What I'm doing:

  • I enter the CMD
  • I make the command to go to the cd directory C: /user/artur/.android
  • Once inside, I put the commands that the facebook site itself teaches and other tutorials too:
  • keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore % HOMEPATH% .android \ debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

But the message appears that windows does not recognize the keytool

In other tutorials I saw, instead of pointing the path to user / artur / .android it was to point in cmd to c: / programs / java / java7

I tried to do this and here it recognizes the command keytool , but does not recognize the openssl command.

Seriously, I must have seen at least a 10 different tutorials, since when the main IDE was Eclipse until most recent tutorials with android 2.3 Has anyone ever experienced this ? If someone can give me a light, because I no longer know what I'm doing or what I'm doing wrong

asked by anonymous 24.03.2017 / 13:05

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