Creating dynamic lists dynamically and saving their addresses (start of list)


Hello, I'm doing a college work on Hash table and I'm having some difficulties. I'll try not to complicate too much (to tell you the truth, running my code helps me understand what I want to do).

Basically, I have, for now, a program that generates strQty random words of random size from 1 to 10 characters. After generating this random word, I enter at the end of the l dynamic list. Until then there is no secret, but here comes my difficulties, and that is where I ask for your help.

The GetValuesList function receives the l dynamic list, and it iterates word by word. For each word, it is iterated letter by letter. I do this to get a value that I called val , which is the sum of the integer values of each character of a word.

With this value, I call the function getValorHash (remembering that the job is about hash table). This function will return me, according to the value of val , a value between 0 and 31 , which is the size of my hash table (M_SIZE).

And now let's start joking. I have a word and a hash value. Let's assume now that I have a hashTable vector of size M_SIZE , I need to verify that the hashTable hashTable [hash] ) is null . If it is, I'll create a new dynamic word list.

So that's one of my biggest doubts, as I dynamically create lists dynamically.

Continuing, assuming I've created a new dynamic list. Your first element will be the word word . And besides, I need to save the memory address of the head of this new list in the hashTable vector in the hash position.

Another important question: What kind of vector is this? Is it an address vector? of pointers? And how do I create this?

Continuing to run the program, the algorithm is quite simple. I'm going to generate a hash for a new word , and check hashTable is null. If it is, I start a new dynamic list, if it is not, it's because its value is the leading address of a dynamic list already created, and word will be added at the end of it.

My question in this part would be how do I, from that value, which is a pointer or address ( do not know very well the difference between these two terms ), access the dynamic list. / p>

I have a very clear idea of how the hash tables work and how my program should work, but my doubts are merely technical about coding all of that.

In fact, I thank you for your patience in helping me. Next, follow my code so far.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <locale.h>

#define STRLIMIT 10
#define M_SIZE 31
#define STR_QTY 100

typedef struct lista {
    char word[STRLIMIT];
    struct lista* prox;
} Lista;

Lista *insereFim(Lista* l, char word[], int size) {

    Lista* novo = (Lista*) malloc(sizeof(Lista));
    int i;

    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
        novo->word[i] = word[i];

    novo->word[size] = '
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <locale.h>

#define STRLIMIT 10
#define M_SIZE 31
#define STR_QTY 100

typedef struct lista {
    char word[STRLIMIT];
    struct lista* prox;
} Lista;

Lista *insereFim(Lista* l, char word[], int size) {

    Lista* novo = (Lista*) malloc(sizeof(Lista));
    int i;

    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
        novo->word[i] = word[i];

    novo->word[size] = '%pre%';
    novo->prox = NULL;

    if (l == NULL) {
        return novo;

    Lista* aux = l;
    while (aux->prox != NULL) {
        aux = aux->prox;

    aux->prox = novo;
    return l;

int obterValorHash(int n) {

    int hash;
    hash = (5 * n) % M_SIZE;
    return hash;

void obterValoresLista(Lista* l) {

    int i, val, hash;
    int *table[M_SIZE];

    for (i=0; i<M_SIZE; i++) {
        table[i] = NULL;

    do {

        val = 0;

        for (i=0; i<strlen(l->word); i++) {
            val += (int)l->word[i];

        hash = obterValorHash(val);
        printf("%10s\t%d\t%d\t%p\n", l->word, val, hash, &l->word);
        l = l->prox;

    } while (l != NULL);

int main() {

    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

    int strQty = 100;
    int strLimit = 11;

    int ascMin = 97;
    int ascMax = 122;

    // Gerando strings aleatorias
    int i, j;
    int size, letter;

    Lista* l = NULL; //Lista encadeada
    for (i=0; i<strQty; i++) {

        // Tamanho da palavra words[i] -- de 1 a 10.
        size = rand()%(10)+1;
        char word[strLimit];
        for (j=0; j<size; j++) {

            letter = rand()%(ascMax-ascMin)+ascMin;
            word[j] = (char)letter;

        // Indica o fim da string
        word[size] = '%pre%';
        l = insereFim(l, word, size);

    int *hashArray[strQty];
'; novo->prox = NULL; if (l == NULL) { return novo; } Lista* aux = l; while (aux->prox != NULL) { aux = aux->prox; } aux->prox = novo; return l; } int obterValorHash(int n) { int hash; hash = (5 * n) % M_SIZE; return hash; } void obterValoresLista(Lista* l) { int i, val, hash; int *table[M_SIZE]; for (i=0; i<M_SIZE; i++) { table[i] = NULL; } do { val = 0; for (i=0; i<strlen(l->word); i++) { val += (int)l->word[i]; } hash = obterValorHash(val); printf("%10s\t%d\t%d\t%p\n", l->word, val, hash, &l->word); l = l->prox; } while (l != NULL); } int main() { srand(time(NULL)); setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); int strQty = 100; int strLimit = 11; int ascMin = 97; int ascMax = 122; // Gerando strings aleatorias int i, j; int size, letter; Lista* l = NULL; //Lista encadeada for (i=0; i<strQty; i++) { // Tamanho da palavra words[i] -- de 1 a 10. size = rand()%(10)+1; char word[strLimit]; for (j=0; j<size; j++) { letter = rand()%(ascMax-ascMin)+ascMin; word[j] = (char)letter; } // Indica o fim da string word[size] = '%pre%'; l = insereFim(l, word, size); } int *hashArray[strQty]; obterValoresLista(l); }
asked by anonymous 27.04.2017 / 02:18

1 answer


Your code is ready right now, I think there are only two lines left to solve what you ask for.

1) This type of data you are in doubt is a List data type. Change int * by ::

Lista* table[M_SIZE];

So each table element will be the first position in a list (except when the value is NULL, of course).

2) All the positions of your table are already started with NULL, so just insert the elements with the insereFim function. In the line below where your printf is, call the insert function as follows:

table[hash] = insereFim(table[hash], l->word, strlen(l->word));
If it is, I start a new dynamic list, if it is not, it is because its value is the leading address of a dynamic list already created, and word will be added at the end of it

in> ", the insereFim function already accomplishes these two things, so I believe it's just these two things that should be done.

28.04.2017 / 07:02