Log Shell cakephp


I have a SHELL file in cakephp as below:

class AtualizarIndicadoresNormaisShell extends AppShell {
    public function atualizar() {
        //Chama model e sua action

It calls the model below in updatingNormal ():

App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');

class DadoIndicadoresNormal extends AppModel {
    function atualizarIndicadoresNormais() {
        App::import('Controller', 'DadosIndicadoresNormais');
        $atualizar = new DadosIndicadoresNormaisController;

In it I call a controller action called cronUpdate ().

Inside the Controller Action, how do I display a message through the Shell? I used it as below but it returns error. Because it only works inside the Shell file. Can you help me? Or if you have how to save an error log.

asked by anonymous 31.03.2017 / 22:34

1 answer


It is not really possible to send a message to the terminal from a model or controller. The best way out is to actually use an alternate log for you to track the outputs. In this case you just add the settings in config , for example:

// Configure tmp/logs/shop.log to receive the two configured types (log levels), but only
// those with 'orders' and 'payments' as scope
CakeLog::config('shop', array(
    'engine' => 'FileLog',
    'types' => array('warning', 'error'),
    'scopes' => array('orders', 'payments'),
    'file' => 'shop.log',

// Configure tmp/logs/payments.log to receive the two configured types, but only
// those with 'payments' as scope
CakeLog::config('payments', array(
    'engine' => 'SyslogLog',
    'types' => array('info', 'error', 'warning'),
    'scopes' => array('payments')

Then to make the call statically to write to the log:

CakeLog::warning('This gets written only to shops stream', 'orders');
CakeLog::warning('This gets written to both shops and payments streams', 'payments');

This information can be found in the CakePHP documentation itself in the area. Logging .

04.04.2017 / 08:58