Passing data from one view to another


I'm trying to implement the following function, when the user clicks the edit button, it would send to the "create" page only that populated. but when I try to do this, it sends but nothing.

In my xhtml is like this

<p:commandButton value="Deletar" icon="fa fa-fw fa-remove"
                type="submmit" action="#{proprietarioBean.editar(proprietario)}"
                update="form" styleClass="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil" >
   <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{proprietarioBean.proprietario}" value="#{proprietario}"/>

In method editar I'm only giving setProprietario and redirect.

public String editar(Proprietario proprietario) {
       return "inserirProprietario.xhtml";

As far as the setProprietario line, the proprietario object is not null , so it should appear on the other side of the screen.

asked by anonymous 16.05.2017 / 16:36

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