Doubt in the order of the table fields in case of foreign keys of less importance hierarchically


Hello, fellow programmers! I'm just a beginner in the programming world and in StackOverflow and need to ask a question!

I'm making some adjustments to a database I'm working on after finding great tabs for standardizing fields and tables. As I have two tables that have contact fields (email, phone, optional phone) and address (public place, neighborhood, zip, etc ...), I decided to make a table contact and a table address which will store this information and will have a relationship with the other two tables mentioned.

As my goal is for this bank to be "standardized" for other programmers to find a standard, easy-to-understand database, the foreign keys should always always be at the beginning of the table after the primary keys, or I can leave the fields in order of importance, regardless of whether they are foreign keys or not?

asked by anonymous 26.05.2017 / 15:24

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