How to represent a class diagram between Manager and employee


Hello everyone! I have a Food Truck type system and I need to know mainly the relationship of the manager and employee ... Is my diagram correct? Module 1 mainly.

• Specification:

  • Manager module I. Creation of an employee (enrollment, user name, position, salary, status and password) in order for them to have access to the system. You can list all your employees, edit any information, delete, set as inactive, so you will not have access to the system; II. The manager must have in his attributes all that employee, but his status will always be released, having access to the opening, closing and administration of cash, purchases (expense) of inputs to carry out the dishes; III. Performs the listing of the clients, edit of the information and delete, as well as withdraw access to the system; IV. Make order creation, where we will have a registered or unregistered customer name, order date, total order value, status (open or closed) and having at least 1 or more items in the order; V. Performs product creation (plates) in stock (must have name, value, description, quantity, weight), and can list and edit; SAW. Performs the listing of the cash receipts of the various types of generated movements such as basic in-place orders and delivery; VII. Checks and lists the registered customer (SAC) messages and response.

  • Employee module I. Performs the creation of orders requested by customers. After registering the order data, the official confirms the request and the order will be automatically sent to the kitchen (Food Truck); II. Make the verification and editing of your orders in progress or ready; III. Verify your personal and financial data (Financial data can not be modified by the employee);

  • Client module: I. Upon registration, it performs delivery orders where it must contain the address (street, street number, city, state, zip, telephone) of the customer, requesting customer and a delivery status that will be sent only if prepaid; II. Order delivery must have a form of payment, whether debit card or credit card and release status where if customer enter all payment details, the system will automatically modify their status to be released and can be delivered; III. It verifies your personal data and requests in progress, released and denied. IV. You can send the SAC message to the Food Truck.

  • asked by anonymous 26.05.2017 / 01:14

    0 answers