FX (sound effect) in UX issue, is it a good practice for systems that run on browsers?


I'm making some submissions for a release, and I had the idea of putting some sound effects like 'crack' to modal close, or 'pin' when alerting something.

Well, I personally did not like it, but it seemed intuitive to me, and I also had the impression that it leaves the user more 'friend' of the system, since it gives a few more signs of what it is doing. >

  • My question is the title, apply effects to interactions is a good practice on systems that run on browsers?
  • If yes, is there a standard preset that is of recommended use for each type of interaction? (close, alert, fade and etc ...).
  • If this is not good practice, why?

Context of my application:

  • Mobile and Desktop are different applications that do different things, so the effects are just for desktop.
  • The public / users are very specific, accountants and others who work in the accounting office.
  • All users may or may not be using a headset.
  • The focus of the system is display, handling and automation of data maintenance, not the use to perform tasks / obligations.
  • asked by anonymous 14.11.2017 / 17:31

    1 answer


    After some usage analysis, it has been identified in our context that sound effects are not as User Friendly as they are in other contexts.

    Reasons :

  • Group corporate environment - Users need to communicate by voice with each other through their headsets.
  • Some users do not use a headset and it is not feasible to allow sound from their PCs to remain with audio.
  • Maintain a default between WEB DESKTOP application and MOBILE application, unfeasible to keep FX in one and the other not.
  • Unplanned functionality at the start of the project, and many changes would need to be made for a not-so-efficient / unnecessary result.
  • 23.11.2017 / 16:48