I have a problem with eager loading in Laravel 5.4.24. Following the documentation, I added the code:
$profiles = Profile::with(['platforms' => function ($query) {
$query->where('name', 'PC');
The expected return was a Collection with only Profiles that have Platform name = PC . Instead I received all the records from my bank, where the correct would be to receive 37 records. As shown in the query below:
INNER JOIN db.platform_profile PLATPROF ON (PROF.id = PLATPROF.profile_id)
INNER JOIN db.platforms PLAT ON (PLATPROF.platform_id = PLAT.id)
WHERE PLAT.name = 'PC';
What am I letting go? Could someone help me with this?
Model Profile:
class Profile extends Model
public function platforms()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Platform')->withTimestamps();
Model Platform:
class Platform extends Model
public function profiles()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Profile')->withTimestamps();