More than one query on a very slow request on the first request in C #


I have a method that requests data to the bank and in this same method I call another method that also requests the bank (mySql).

public class Viagem
    public int idViagem { get; set; }
    public Cidade origem { get; set; } 

public List<Viagem> getViagens(int p)
    Connection con = new Connection();
    string query = @"SELECT * FROM viagem"
    if (con.connect())
          using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, con.getConnection()))
              MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

              while (reader.Read())
                  Viagem viagem = new Viagem();
                  Cidade cidade = new Cidade();
                  viagem.origem = cidade.getCidade(Convert.toInt32(reader["cidade"]));


The getCity method has the behavior similar to this getVariations. So when I have so-nested calls it's taking too long on the GODADDY server, I have similar codes on other servers the problem does not happen. It's taking me over 30 seconds to return 20 instances.

Do I need to configure something on the server for it to do pooling correctly?

Edited: The problem always occurs when I make the first request, the others, even if the values change, occurs in an expected time. Any suggestions?

Resolved: Godaddy sets session time in 5 minutes, disconnecting non-active users by this time, so the first request always took too long, the server having to leave the standby, to only then make the requisition. The solution will create a task within the hosting itself so that it would be requesting a page every 4 minutes and keeping the server "awake".

Create task godaddy

asked by anonymous 05.06.2017 / 19:06

0 answers