Bound Service using IntentService


I'm creating an IntentService with Binder, so I can communicate with this service from an Activity

public class MyService extends IntentService {
    private ChatManager chatManager;
    private final IBinder mBinder = new MyBinder();

    public MyService() {

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return mBinder;

    protected void onHandleIntent(@Nullable Intent intent) {
        if(chatManager == null) chatManager = new ChatManager();

    public void onDestroy() {
        if(chatManager != null) {

      public class MyBinder extends Binder{
        public ChatManager getService() {
            return chatManager;

In my activity, in the onCreate method I call

bindService(intent, serviceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

And in the onServiceConnected method I get the chatManager object

    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder iBinder) {
        chatManager = ((ChatService.ChatBinder)iBinder).getService();

As my chatManager method was instantiated on a Background Thread I expected it to continue running in the background, but it is not. When I call any chatManager method it runs on the main thread.

What am I doing wrong or what concept did I misunderstand from the IntentService on android?

EDITION 07/31/2017 Explanation of the ChatManager Class

ChatManager opens a connection to the Realm database ( With an open connection, I can add messages to chat, terminate chat, change status, etc. With this I want to not have to open a connection with the bank for every new change in the bank, which is very frequent and consumes many resources.

On the other hand, I can not make the writes in the direct bank on the Main Thread, as this is slowing and even crashing the app.


    public class ChatManager {
    private Realm db;
    private Chat chat;

    public ChatManager() {
        db = Realm.getDefaultInstance(); // Uma instancia do banco de dados Realm

     * Vários método que tem essa estrutura
    public void metodoGernerico(Object param) {
        db.executeTransaction(realm -> {
            // altera o banco de dados

     * Fecha o banco de dados quando sai da activity
    public void encerraChatManager() {
asked by anonymous 31.07.2017 / 17:12

1 answer


IBinder should not be used with the IntentService.

The purpose of the IntentService is to perform only one task. It is destroyed shortly after the onHandleIntent() method finishes. I find it odd that the onServiceConnected() method is called.

As I do not know the purpose of ChatManager, I can do little more.

One possible situation would be for ChatManager to run each of its methods on another thread or possibly use IntentService's to execute them.

Another is to create a Bound Service whose methods delegate to the ChatManager the operations to be performed. Home Use IBinder to get the Service.

Anything like this:

public class LocalService extends Service {

    private final IBinder mBinder = new LocalBinder();
    private chatManager = new ChatManager();

    public class LocalBinder extends Binder {
        LocalService getService() {
            return LocalService.this;

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return mBinder;

    public void meuMetodo() {
31.07.2017 / 19:39