What is ASP.Net vNext?
One part you yourself answered. It would be the initial working name of the new ASP.NET architectural model, but it was a nickname that lasted a short time. Scott Hanselman, one of the project managers, declared the names ASP.NET vNext and ASP.NET 5 dead here . The correct name for the architecture, toolset, and methodology set is ASP.NET Core , starting in version 1.0.
But I've seen dissonant information. I see the term ASP.Net 5 being used for the MVC. And I've read that the old ASP.Net is practically abandoned and in fact it would be called ASP.Net 4.6 if fitting to the name of. Net as a whole. Would this mean that the term MVC would be being dropped as it would be the main web framework supported by Microsoft?
More or less. Support continues, but in a discouraged way, in order to meet legacy systems, as is the case with technology vendors. The idea is that the term MVC and others, such as the Web API, are implicit in the ASP.NET Core project pattern. Microsoft has unified the features to simplify the design pattern and keep the architecture more succinct.
And in fact despite the fact that MVC is version 6, it is what is being called ASP.Net 5?
They are two different things. The standard of MVC architecture would indeed be going into its 6th incarnation. The ASP.NET default would be moving to version 5 as the default MVC version 6 as the architectural design standard, plus Web API unification, REST Framework made for ASP.NET.
From the link I cited, Hanselman argues that keeping a name such as "ASP.NET 5" would give the feeling of eclipsing the ".NET Framework 4.6" in update and importance, as well as suggesting that it would be a natural continuation of the product which is not true) then the solution found was to normalize all the nomenclatures for "Core" starting in version 1.0, and with that, the specification of an "MVC 6" followed the same path, being part of the ASP.NET Core 1.0 architecture.
What is the correct naming of each of these two frameworks web in the new version? Is there a canonical and authoritative reference that demonstrates this with clarity and reliability?
This reference has only recently come out. This is a post here , where it is explained that some nomenclatures will no longer be used and that ASP.NET Core 1.0 needs to be seen as another product, not exactly as a continuation of ASP.NET 4.6, as it was previously expected to be.
WebAPI is now together with ASP.Net MVC. This means that this term disappears, ie will not there be a WebAPI 3?
Not exactly. The Web API is now part of ASP.NET 5. Whether it will have its own control is something that to date of this answer we do not yet have.
The term disappears, but the Web API concept is maintained as ASP.NET Core REST API 1.0.
Does anything else change about this?
Dependency injections become part of the ASP.NET Core 1.0 design pattern. Also incorporated into the Middlewares architecture concept in other frameworks of other languages, and the Request Features , which works in conjunction with dependency injections and which, by the way, we put in a framework that I proudly contribute a little before.