Multiple cast in java


I'm having a difficult time doing an exercise because I do not know how to solve this kind of casting:

The class D is the superclass.

The class C is the subclass.

 D d = (D) (C) new D();

I would be grateful if anyone could help me.

asked by anonymous 27.08.2017 / 20:09

1 answer


Let's suppose we have this code:

public class C {}

public class D extends C {}

That is, everything that is a D , is also a C . But the reverse is not necessarily true.

And then this:

D d = (D) (C) new D();

What is a concise way of writing what can be interpreted with these four steps:

D temp1 = new D();   // Etapa 1
C temp2 = (C) temp1; // Etapa 2
D temp3 = (D) temp2; // Etapa 3
D d = temp3;         // Etapa 4

What each step does:

  • new D() creates an object of type D .

  • The cast for C checks to see if the object is of type C . Since the compiler knows that all D is C , then this cast is valid. The resulting subexpression is of type C .

  • The cast for D checks to see if the object is of type C . Because the compiler knows that not all% is_ is a C , then a check will be done at runtime. If the object of type D is not a C , a D is thrown. In this case, this check will always succeed. The resulting subexpression is of type ClassCastException .

  • The resulting value is assigned to the D variable. Since the compiler knows that what is to the right of the d sign is of type = and the D variable is also of type d , then this assignment is valid.

  • Notice that there are two types of casts here. One of them (the one in step 2) is an upcasting and the other one (step 3) is a downcasting . See more about this on this other question .

    27.08.2017 / 23:05