I need to create a function to encrypt files using the Caeser method without using the functions already done in the C # library. My code does not work for large files the computer crashes:
public static void cesar(string origem, string destino, int chave)
int cifra;
byte[] textopuroEmBinario = File.ReadAllBytes(origem);
byte[] textocriptografadoEmBinario = new byte[textopuroEmBinario.Length];
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(destino));
int i = 0;
foreach (byte b in textopuroEmBinario)
if (b >= 97 && b <= 122){
cifra = b + chave;
if (cifra > 122)
cifra = cifra - 26;
textocriptografadoEmBinario[i++] = (byte)cifra;
textocriptografadoEmBinario[i++] = b;