FPDF - I need to customize the text that will be printed


I need the content $pdf->MultiCell to be personalized (html) with bold, etc ...

    require_once( 'fpdf.php' );

    $nome  = @$_POST['nome']; // Sim, a supressão é perfeitamente válida neste contexto
    $horas = @$_POST['horas']; // pois os parâmetros serão checados logo em seguida.
    $data  = @$_POST['omail'];
    $datan  = @$_POST['datan'];

    class PDF extends FPDF
        // Page header
        function Header()
            // Logo
            // Arial bold 15
            // Move to the right
            // Line break

        // Page footer
        function Footer()
            // Logo
            // Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
            // Arial italic 8
            // Page number
            $this->Cell(210,-17,'Página '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C');

    // Instanciation of inherited class
    $pdf = new PDF();
        $pdf->SetFont('Arial','', 10);
        $pdf->SetXY( 10, 50 );
        $pdf->MultiCell( 190, 6,
          "Caro $nome


asked by anonymous 22.09.2017 / 13:25

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