- I have a Report Master that has two Detail Band, with a defined height, which should not be modified.
- My SubReport also has a "Detail Band" with a JRBeanCollectionDataSource, the parameters are being passed without major problems, BUT, the pagination is not being done the way I would like it to be.
- I need to stay TWO paths on the same page as a southpaw, when few items work, but there are cases where they can have up to 200 items, and they need to be paginated, keeping the height fixed.
- Atthemoment,whentherearemanyitems,itsimplyshowscontinuously.I'vetriedseveralcombinationswithStretchandNoStretch,SplitTypeofBand,Ireallycouldnotcomeupwithasolution.
- IwasabletomakeaMinimumVerifiableExampleasStackOverFlowitselfrecommends...followtherepositorylink- link
asked by anonymous 27.09.2017 / 23:18