How to update the collection of a service by index calling a second service?


In calling a service within my controller I load a few data, and as soon as this data is loaded, on the screen, the complete data for a given filtered item must come in, requests are occurring, the second one little slower, exactly as it should be, the problem is not there. It is in the rewrite of the scope collection variable, which is not updated in the view: $scope.data_collection . I made a small minimalist example to sketch the problem:

$scope.data_collection = [];

MyFirstService.getData($scope) //passando $scope.all retorna uma API
    //seta poucos dados
    $scope.data_collection = firstResult;
    $scope.ids_update = firstResult.has_updated_ids;

    MySecondService.getData($scope) //passando $scope.ids_update retorna somente as ID que deverão completar a API
      console.log('carregaria dados completos para um determinado ID')
       /* no caso, eu resumi, e retirei o filtro daqui, 
         este filtro identificaria os índices 
         dos itens que deverão trazer outros dados novos, 
         como no exemplo abaixo (index = 2), 
         a coleção de índice 2 deveria ser atualizada, 
         porém não está acontecendo na minha view... 

       $scope.data_collection[2] = secondResult[2];





 <div class="content-item pull-left" 
  ng-repeat="(key, item) in data_collection | filter:{category:filters.category}">
   <img ng-src="{{item.imagem}}" class="img-responsive">
asked by anonymous 09.10.2017 / 22:08

2 answers


I've sent the IDs to a callback method:

   .then(function (response) {
                            $('.loadingData').css({'bottom': '0', 'position':'fixed', 'top':'','margin-top': '369px'})
                            $scope.isReaded = true;
                            $scope.next_page = true;
                            if (angular.isDefined(response.result)) {
                                if (response.result.length < $scope.qtd_per_page) {
                                    $scope.next_page = false;

                            parseDataDisplay(response, user_id, school_id, function (ids, user_id, school_id) {
                                var data_set_two = {
                                    fulldata: true,
                                    user_id: user_id,
                                    role: data_form.role,
                                    school_id: school_id,
                                    lista_de_cadernos: ids,
                                    editoria: null
                                    .then(function (res) {

                            $scope.IsLoading = false;

                        }, function () {
                            $scope.IsLoading = false;


     function parseDataDisplay(response, user_id, school_id, callback) {

                    var _self = this;
                    _self.dataCollectionDefault = $scope.my_collection;
                    var ids = [];

                    if (response.status) {
                        angular.forEach(response.result, function (value) {
                            var sampleDisplay = {
                                id: value.ID,
                                edition_id: value.edition_id,
                                title: value.title,
                                subtitle: value.subtitle,

                                date_activity: value.data_op,
                                data_publicacao: value.data_publicacao,
                                status: value.status,
                                category: value.category,
                                atividades: [],
                                displayItem: function () {
                                    $rootScope.displayItem(this, 'all');
                                is_loading: true,
                                fulldata: false,
                        $scope.my_collection = _self.dataCollectionDefault;

                        callback(ids, user_id, school_id);



function completeDataDisplay(response) {

                var _self = this;

                if (response.status) {
                    //  console.log('READY FULLDATA');
                    $scope.ready_full = true;
                    for (var i in response.result) {
                        var value = response.result[i];
                        var index = $filter('FilterData')(value.ID, $scope.my_collection, 'id');
                        var completeDisplay = {
                            id: value.ID,
                            edition_id: value.edition_id,
                            title: value.title,
                            subtitle: value.subtitle,
                            title_text: value.title_text,
                            subtitle_text: value.subtitle_text,
                            slug_title: $scope.formatSlug(value.title),
                            imagem: value.imagem,
                            numero_edicao: value.number,
                            date_activity: value.data_op,
                            data_publicacao: value.data_publicacao,
                            status: value.status,
                            category: value.category,
                            is_loading: false,
                            fulldata: true,
                            atividades: [
                                    id: value.activity_id1,
                                    points: value.pontos_obtidos_1,
                                    total_points: value.maxpontuation_activity_1,
                                    life_one: $scope.resultLifes(value.tentativas_atividade_1, 1),
                                    life_two: $scope.resultLifes(value.tentativas_atividade_1, 2),
                                    type: value.actype1,
                                    type_variation: value.actype_variation_1,
                                    indicacao: false,
                                    title: value.actitle1,
                                    description: '',
                                    descritores: value.descritores_activity_1
                                    id: value.activity_id2,
                                    points: value.pontos_obtidos_2,
                                    total_points: value.maxpontuation_activity_2,
                                    life_one: $scope.resultLifes(value.tentativas_atividade_2, 1),
                                    life_two: $scope.resultLifes(value.tentativas_atividade_2, 2),
                                    type: value.actype2,
                                    type_variation: value.actype_variation_2,
                                    indicacao: false,
                                    title: value.actitle2,
                                    description: '',
                                    descritores: value.descritores_activity_2
                                    id: value.activity_id3,
                                    points: value.pontos_obtidos_3,
                                    total_points: value.maxpontuation_activity_3,
                                    life_one: $scope.resultLifes(value.tentativas_atividade_3, 1),
                                    life_two: $scope.resultLifes(value.tentativas_atividade_3, 2),
                                    type: value.actype3,
                                    type_variation: value.actype_variation_3,
                                    indicacao: false,
                                    title: value.actitle3,
                                    description: '',
                                    descritores: value.descritores_activity_3
                                    id: value.activity_id4,
                                    points: value.pontos_obtidos_4,
                                    total_points: value.maxpontuation_activity_4,
                                    life_one: $scope.resultLifes(value.tentativas_atividade_4, 1),
                                    life_two: $scope.resultLifes(value.tentativas_atividade_4, 2),
                                    type: value.actype4,
                                    type_variation: value.actype_variation_4,
                                    indicacao: false,
                                    title: value.actitle4,
                                    descritores: value.descritores_activity_4
                            displayItem: function () {
                                $scope.displayItem(this, 'all');

                        $scope.my_collection[index] = completeDisplay;
                        $scope.full_data = true;


30.10.2017 / 15:19

I think you have to rewrite .data_collection to trigger Angular reactivity. It does a mapping where you add the extra information and then you repost everything and let the Angular detect what needs to be modified in the DOM or not.

$scope.data_collection = [];

  .then(function(firstResult) {
    $scope.data_collection = firstResult;
    $scope.ids_update = firstResult.has_updated_ids;

      .then(function(secondResult) {
        $scope.data_collection = $ => {
          const index = $scope.ids_update.indexOf(;
          return index != -1 ? secondResult[index] : item;
10.10.2017 / 21:09