Web Application in ASP.NET MVC CRUD with MS access


I'm doing a job, and I need to do a web application for tracking tasks. The requirements are those of the topic. It is a web application made in ASP.NET MVC and access database creating a CRUD. I'm having difficulty going through the connect database part. So far I've created the database, created the connection for the server solution. After that I created the MVC 5 Web app in visual studio. At this moment my doubts begin. I found on the internet that it is necessary (if it did not appear in Web.config) add the following code:

<add name="ConexaoMSAccess"connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;DataSource=|DataDirectory|Cadastro.mdb" 
 providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />

Ok I add this code, after that I need to add a file in the App_data folder, in this case the BD. When I do this another connection appears in the server solution, with the same name as I had already done. My second doubt already following a little forward, at this moment I must create a new class in the model folder. This class will have the get and set methods of all the columns in my table. Is that correct? After that, what's the next step for CRUD?

asked by anonymous 29.10.2017 / 00:51

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