Popup Javascript does not work in IE11 [closed]


After migration to windows 10 and IE11 my popup stopped working. I do not know what to say, I researched and I did not find anything. On machines with windows 7 and IE7.8 it continues to run normally. Important input data needs to be posted to the popup.

Follow the code;


function target_popup(form) {   
    window.open("", "formpopup", "width=600, height=260, top=300, left=130"); //me parece que o problema está aqui.
    form.target = "formpopup";


<form id="form" action="local.php" method="POST" onsubmit="target_popup(this)">
   <input type="text" name="date" id="date" />
   <input type="text" name="nome" id="nome" />
   <input type="submit" value="SUBMETER" />


After inserting the urls manually the popup opens;

//abre o site do google
window.open("http://www.google.com", "formpopup", "width=600, height=260, top=300, left=130");
//abre "http://local.php" inexistente
window.open("http://local.php", "formpopup", "width=600, height=260, top=300, left=130");
//abre "http://local.php" inexistente
window.open("//local.php", "formpopup", "width=600, height=260, top=300, left=130");
window.open("http://server:porta/local/arquivo.php", "formpopup", "width=600, height=260, top=300, left=130");
window.open("local/arquivo.php", "formpopup", "width=600, height=260, top=300, left=130");
window.open("arquivo.php", "formpopup", "width=600, height=260, top=300, left=130");
window.open("\arquivo.php", "formpopup", "width=600, height=260, top=300, left=130");

As a conclusion, it seems that IE11 only accepts the address with http: // or // but it does not accept subdirectories and the address must have a .good thing, tests outside that did not work

asked by anonymous 31.10.2017 / 21:50

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