Argument of a function is another function


I would like to know how to put another function as an argument for a function.

For example, let's say that I want to solve an integral by a given numerical integral approximation method. And I want to create a function that does this, in which the arguments of the function are:

Integral = function(a,b, fx)

Where a and b are the integration intervals and fx is the function that I want to integrate.

It's still not working. See:

trapezio.integracao <- function(a, b, fn){ fn(x) }
   x = seq(a, b, by = 0.005)
   n = length(x)

   integral = 0.5*sum((x[2:n] - x[1:(n-1)]) * (f(x[2:n]) + f(x[1:(n-1)]) ) )


fx <- function(x){x^2}

asked by anonymous 06.12.2016 / 12:22

1 answer


Just pass the function as an argument, for example:

funcaoSoma <- function(a,b){a + b}
funcaoAritmetica <- function(a, b, fn){ fn(a,b) }

When you run funcaoAritmetica(2,3,funcaoSoma) , R will execute the function passed by the fn argument and return the value 5.


The function you posted does not work because it does not make the correct use of the function as argument, the correct one would be:

trapezio.integracao <- function(a, b, fn)
   x = seq(a, b, by = 0.005)
   n = length(x)

   //Aqui você irá usar a função passada como argumento,
   // pelo nome de 'fn' (o nome que está indicado na definição da função) e não 'f'

  //No seu exemplo, ficaria assim:
  integral = 0.5*sum((x[2:n] - x[1:(n-1)]) * (fn(x[2:n]) + fn(x[1:(n-1)]) ) )


fx <- function(x){x^2}

In this way, when you run, you will get the following result:

> trapezio.integracao(0,1,fx)
[1] 0.3333375
06.12.2016 / 16:29