In a course exercise I have to write a program that retrieves JPG images from a file. The code below is not ready, but it should find the signatures of JPG (0xffd8ffe0 or 0xffd8ffe1) inside the file jumping from 512 in 512 bytes (FAT) and print a text. Doubt:
- The code does not work, I can not diagnose, what are the problems?
File: link
* recover.c
* CC50 Pset5
* Recupera imagens JPG. Matheus.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Boas Vindas
printf("3[1;30;47mPOWERED BY RAMALHOLIVEIRA3[0m\nIniciando operação.\n");
// Abrir Arquivo
FILE *fpr = fopen("card.raw", "r");
if (fpr == NULL)
printf("3[31mErro ao abrir o arquivo.3[0m\n");
return 1;
// Variáveis
uint32_t cursor = 0;
uint32_t assinatura = 0x00;
FILE *saida = fopen("saida", "w");
int n = 1;
// Se 'fread' retornar 0 o loop acaba
// Lê 4 bytes e armazena em 'assinatura'
cursor = fread(&assinatura, 4, 1, fpr);
fwrite(&assinatura, 4, 1, saida);
if (assinatura == 0xffd8ffe0 || assinatura == 0xffd8ffe1)
printf("%d Encontrado!\n", n);
fseek(fpr, 512, SEEK_CUR);
while (cursor != 0);
// Isso é tudo, pessoal :)
printf("Isso é tudo, pessoal.\n");
return 0;