How to generate Factory Boy Fuzzy Attribute before running each test?


I'm creating unit tests to perform integration tests for my web application. The tools I am using are: Mongomock to create a temporary instance of the database for testing and Factory Boy to create mock instances of my entities.

In each test_case, I generate a mock object, saved in the database, and test the corresponding route. Next, I make the necessary asserts.

random_application =

Through Test.App and Paste.deploy I established a private environment to run the tests.

def setUp(self):
        This method is called before each test's execution and it set's up the environment for tests execution. It
         creates, among other things:
        - Mongomock connect through mongoengine in the test execution context;
        - Loads WSGI using a combination of the libraries webtest and paste.deploy;
        - Creates mocked function calls that are necessary to perform the tests.
        # changes db connection to mongo mock
        # builds the test app to respond to requests
        # mock authentication

    def tearDown(self):
        Method called after the execution of each test. This is used to ensure that both the Database current connection
        and the Mocked methods are proplerly reseted in between the tests.

However, my Application entity has been set with the "name" field set to "required" and "unique".

class Application(Document):
    name = StringField(required=True, unique = True)

To circumvent this restriction, I decided to use the Factory Boy decorator to create a new "name" before running each test.

class MockApplicationFactory(factory.Factory):
    Factory class for mock applications

    class Meta:
        model = Application

    credentials = ['test']

    def random_name(self, create, extracted, **kwargs):
        name = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=10).fuzz()

However, after running the test_cases with Pytest , I still get the "Tried to save duplicate unique keys" error message. This error meets the above-mentioned definitions for Mongoengine .

I would like to know how can I generate a random "name" for each mock object so that it is updated before each test runs.

I could set the "name" field during the creation of each mock object in the test_cases, but I try to understand better the operation of Factory Boy and the other tools mentioned.

  • Note_0: the test_cases are part of the "test" module and the objects mock are created in module "object_factories";

  • Note_1: The environment setup details were issued, because I believe that the solution to the problem goes through Factory Boy.

asked by anonymous 28.11.2017 / 14:43

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