Save personal. I wrote my dissertation using the template / class " hepthesis in Overleaf . The model is in English. Soon, in the initial writing I did not worry about the necessary flourishes. But now I have a few impasses to pass parts of the text to Portuguese.
Problem 1 : My references are all using the and
conjunction between authors.
Author1 and
Author2 ....
I want to change to Portuguese. Therefore, it would be:
Ziviani e
Alves ...
Problem 2 : Some titles insist on staying in English, such as Declaration, Acknowledgments, Preface, Nomenclature, etc. I already used the
, but I was not very successful.
Namely, the hepthesis class has two files: thesis.cls and thesis.sty. In none of them is there any indication of how I can make the changes in references. And the basic packages I'm using are: