I would like to know how I can get this error when I try to create a new app. The error is as follows: it loads everything right, but when it loads the Gradle it gives an error and the screen goes infinitely in the "Waiting for build to finish". In the Gradle Console it says the following:
Exception in thread "queued-resource-processor_5" java.lang.RuntimeException: Timed out while waiting for slave aapt process, make sure the aapt execute at C:\Users\JP\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools.0.2\aapt2.exe can run successfully (some anti-virus may block it) or try setting environment variable SLAVE_AAPT_TIMEOUT to a value bigger than 5 seconds at com.android.builder.png.AaptProcess.waitForReadyOrFail(AaptProcess.java:196) at com.android.builder.internal.aapt.AaptQueueThreadContext.creation(AaptQueueThreadContext.java:56) at com.android.builder.tasks.WorkQueue.run(WorkQueue.java:213) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Do you know how to solve it? (Note: Firewall has already been disconnected)