Hello all GODS OF SCRIPTS , I'm having difficulty extracting the total of months between two dates ex: datefinal (03/29/2018) - datainicial (1/29/2018) = 2 months, however the dates are provided by the jquery datepiker and could inform the command to change the value of the result when changed one or both dates in javascript. Thank you in advance; follow the code below:
<div class="control-form">
<label for="">Data Inicial:</label>
<input name="datainicial" type="text" id="calendario" value="29/01/2018" class="form-control" >
<div class="control-form">
<label for="">Data Final:</label>
<input name="datafinal" type="text" id="calendario2" class="form-control" >
<div class="control-form">
<label for="">Numero de Parcelas:</label>
<input name="numeroparcelas" type="text" class="form-control" id="numeroparcelas">