I'm trying to integrate an Android library with Hyperloop to use in my Titanium radio application, but when it's added to the project, an error occurs at the end of the build.
[INFO] : Creating unsigned apk
[INFO] : Processing /.../build/android/bin/dexfiles
[INFO] : Processing /.../build/android/src
2018-01-31T16:02:49.102Z | ERROR | An uncaught exception was thrown!
this.abis is not a function
2018-01-31T16:02:49.102Z | ERROR | this.abis is not a function
[ERROR] Application Installer abnormal process termination. Process exit value was 1
I tried to recompile the library, changing the versions of the SDK and changing the abifilter options in the project settings, but I did not succeed.
The library I'm trying to import is compiled from the repository .
The generated aar file can be downloaded at: link
I tried to update hyperloop to version 3.0.2 beta, but it also did not work.
Thanks for the help.