How to create an electron installer for windows?

Good afternoon. I'm working on a project using Electron to create desktop applications. I'm following this tutorial on how to create a windows installer: link

However, running the command generates an error and I can not generate the installer. This is the error: Apparentlyitisareferenceerror,howeverthisreferenceisbeingmadeinafolderthattheelectronitselfshouldcreate.Itdoesnotmakesensefortheelectrontorefertoafolderthatitcreatesduringthebuildtogeneratethiserror.


This is the code that runs to create the installer.

Can anyone help me?

asked by anonymous 13.03.2018 / 19:52

1 answer


I believe the problem is happening because in this appDirectory it is looking for the app after the build of the electron.

After you build build you will run this command to create the installer.

13.03.2018 / 22:51