Problems with JavaScript HTML function does not show content in page source code


For JavaScript functions that add HTML content, these added content is not being displayed in the source code of the page, even though it's working.


        <script type="text/javascript" 
     src=""></script></head><body></body><script>$("body").append("<p>Apareço no carregamento normal, mas não no código fonte </p>");


I have a jQuery plugin for table, but it can not select the table because it does not have the columns yet and since I create the columns dynamically, I just can not use the plugin.

- EDIT-- My problem was in the asynchronous function of ajax. I had a function to activate the plugin, and before the function with ajax, since the function of ajax still did not return a value, I could not activate the plugin because the object did not exist yet. The solution was to put the plugin activation in ajax success

asked by anonymous 23.04.2018 / 02:28

1 answer


In order for the input type date to receive the value, you need to send in the form yyyy-MM-dd , see the snippet

function adicionar() {
    const tabela = $('#tabela');
    const ParcelaVencimento = $('#ParcelaVencimento').val();
    // Converti para numeros
    const ParcelaValor = $('#ParcelaValor').val();

    // Usei o sinal de + para transformar em numero
    const QtdParcela = +$('#QtdParcela').val();

    // Iniciei um novo array para armazenar os subtotatis
    const subtotal = [];

    let total = 0;
    let vencimento = new Date();
    vencimento.setDate( ParcelaVencimento )
    // Aqui voce criou o contador como sendo $i ao invés de count    
    for ( let cont = 0; cont < QtdParcela; cont++ ) {

        subtotal.push( ParcelaValor * 1 );
        total += subtotal[ cont ];
        vencimento.setMonth( vencimento.getMonth() + 1 )

        // Dica: utilize templateString para facilitar a criacao do HTML
        var linha = '<tr class='selected' id='linha${cont}'>    
                            <td> <button type='button' class='btn btn-warning' onclick='apagar('${cont}');'> X </button></td>
                            <td> <input type='hidden' name='cont[]' value='${cont}'>'${cont +1}'</td>
                            <td> <input name='ParcelaVencimento[]'  type='date' value='${formatDate(vencimento)}'></td>
                            <td> <input type='number' name='ParcelaValor[]' value='${ParcelaValor}'></td>
                            <td> <input type='number' name='QtdParcela[]' value='${QtdParcela}'></td> 
        tabela.append( linha );

// Função para formatar a data
function formatDate(date) {
    var d = new Date(date),
        month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1),
        day = '' + d.getDate(),
        year = d.getFullYear();

    if (month.length < 2) month = '0' + month;
    if (day.length < 2) day = '0' + day;

    return [year, month, day].join('-');
<script src=""></script>Parcelavencimento:<inputtype="text" value="12" id="ParcelaVencimento"><br />
Parcela Valor: <input type="text" value ="123.30" id="ParcelaValor"><br />
Quantidade Parcelas: <input type="text" value="12" id="QtdParcela"><br />

<button onclick="adicionar()"> Gerar tabela </button> <br />

<table id="tabela"></table>
23.04.2018 / 14:33