Add class when entering decimal number in input


I would like to use decimal numbers, I will insert a decimal number in the input and would like the class to pick up when it was inserted, for example:

"min" = > 0.00, "max" = > 0.010

How can I do this?


$opcoes = array(
        "graphic-red" => array(
            "min" => 0,
            "max" => 200

        "graphic-blue" => array(
            "min" => 200,
            "max" => 500

        "graphic-green" => array(
            "min" => 500,
            "max" => 800


    $val= "";
    $float  = floatval($val);
    echo $float; // 122.34343

    $rock_factor = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "rock_factor", true);
    $graphic =  getCssClassFromValue($rock_factor, $opcoes);

    function getCssClassFromValue($v, $op) {

        foreach ($op as $ch => $val) {

            if( $v > $val["min"]  &&
                $v < $val["max"] )                  
                return $ch;                 
        return "";

asked by anonymous 16.04.2018 / 17:58

0 answers