Code review: Program that simulates the "game of doors": either you win a car or a goat!


Write a program to simulate the Door game . Make a program that has the output as the following:

Hello, welcome to our program! Let's see if you will win a car or not! Choose a door: 3 You chose Door 3, but I inform you that at Gate 2 there is a goat. Do you want to switch ports (1 - Yes / 0 - No): 1 You won a car!

My solution:

import random #selecionar a porta
testes = int(input("Digite o número de testes: "))
bode =0
trocar =0 #nao trocar

for i in range(testes):
    porta = random.randrange(1,4) #portas de 1 a 3
    premio = random.randint(1,3) #randint inclui o extremo!
    bode = random.randint(1,3)
    if premio != bode and premio !=porta:
        print("A porta {} tem um bode. ".format(bode))

        trocar = int(input("Deseja trocar? "))
        if trocar == 1:
            porta = int(input("Digite a porta: "))

    if porta ==premio:
        print("Não ganhou! Que pena!")

In my tests the program is working but I would like a more pythonic solution to learn the style!

asked by anonymous 24.03.2018 / 15:55

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