Get first row and first column gridview JavaScript


I'm trying to get the value of the first row and first column of the gridview through javascript, however it is returning error. Here's how I'm trying to do it:

var grid = document.getElementById("#<%=GridView12.ClientID %>");
var cell = grid.rows[parseInt(selectedRowIndex) + 1].cells[0];
var hidID = cell.childNodes[0];
document.getElementById('textcodigo').value = hidID;

I get the following error:


Uncaught TypeError: Can not read property 'rows' of null

I was able to get to this code:

var grid = document.getElementById("<%=GridView12.ClientID %>");
var cell = grid.rows[0].cells[0];
var hidID = cell.childNodes[0];
document.getElementById('textcodigo').value = hidID;

But in textcode, [object Text] appears. I need the first line, the first column.

This is my GridView12:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView12" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="identificador" CellPadding="4" CssClass="table table-responsive table-hover table-striped" GridLines="None" OnRowDeleting="GridView12_RowDeleting1">
    <asp:BoundField ItemStyle-Width="100px" DataField="identificador" HeaderText="Identificador" SortExpression="identificador"></asp:BoundField>
        <asp:LinkButton CssClass="btn btn-danger btn-sm" ID="deleteButton" runat="server" CommandName="Delete" Text="Excluir" OnClientClick="return confirm('Deseja excluir o identificador selecionado?');"></asp:LinkButton>
      <ItemStyle Width="10px" />

And I got this function, but it keeps coming back to me undefined.

var grid = document.getElementById("<%=GridView12.ClientID %>");
var cellPivot;

if (grid.rows.length > 0) {

  var theDropdown = grid.rows[0].cells[0].text;
  document.getElementById('textcodigo').value = theDropdown;

asked by anonymous 27.03.2018 / 15:14

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