Organize data table HTML - CSS - SQL


I have the following code

<table border="1">
$sql = $mysql->prepare("SELECT id FROM usuarios WHERE status = 0");
if($sql->num_rows() == 0){
	echo "<tr><td>Sem registros</td></tr>";
} else {
	while ($sql->fetch()) { 
		echo "<tr>
		<td>" . $id . "</td>

Which returns me 30 records aligned from top to bottom, as follows:


How to proceed in this case?

asked by anonymous 09.04.2018 / 13:24

1 answer


My suggestion is to use JavaScript to change the structure by inserting the cells in the appropriate rows. In PHP you can insert classes by numbering the lines in sequence from 1 to 10. The table structure would look like the image below, each line in a sequence from linha1 to linha10 :


<?php$sql=$mysql->prepare("SELECT id FROM usuarios WHERE status = 0");
if($sql->num_rows() == 0){
    echo "<tr><td>Sem registros</td></tr>";
} else {
   $conta = 1; // inicia variável com valor 1
    while ($sql->fetch()) { 

      if($conta%11 == 0){ // reseta $conta a cada 11 linhas
         $conta = 1;

      $classe = "linha".$conta;

        echo "<tr class=". $classe ."> // insere a classe na TR
        <td>" . $id . "</td>



var linhas = document.body.querySelectorAll("tr[class*='linha']"); //seleciona todas as linhas da tabela
for(var x=10; x<linhas.length; x++){ // loop a partir da 11ª linha
   var cls = linhas[x].className.match(/\d+/)[0]; // pega o número da linha
   document.querySelector(".linha"+cls).innerHTML += linhas[x].innerHTML; // insere a TD na respectiva linha
   linhas[x].outerHTML = ''; // remove a linha

The result will be shown in the figure below:

09.04.2018 / 15:22