Specifying height and sex of students with a "while"


The exercise asks me to read 20 students and their respective heights and sex, and then show the average height and how many men and women we have.

What I did was the following:

int main() {
    float altura, media;
    char gen, mediam, mediaf;
    int contador;

    contador = 0;

    printf("Cálculo de alunos e alunas e média de suas alturas\n");
    while (contador < 3) {
        printf("Digite a altura e o sexo do aluno\n");
        scanf("%f", &altura);
        media = media + altura;
        scanf("%s", &gen);
        if (gen = 'm') {
            mediam = mediam + gen;
        } else {
            mediaf = mediaf + gen;


    printf("A média de altura dos alunos é: \n%f", media);
    printf("Temos %s alunos homens e %s alunos mulheres\n", mediam, mediaf);

    return 0;

I was able to make the program read the total height of the students, but when I enter the share of the male and female students, the line reading the heights itself gives a segmentation fault error.

asked by anonymous 09.04.2018 / 15:15

1 answer


There are several errors. If you want to count the number of men and women you must increase the variable, just like% as%, after all they do not stop being an accountant. The variable contador could be deleted, but I do not think it compensates.

The names of the variables are bad, because it is calling the average what is not a mean, it is an accumulator.

You can not use contador for comparison, this is the assignment operator. To buy use = . And test all possibilities and avoid doing something with wrong information, so I made the conditions of == more complete.

The average is only calculated at the end.

Wrong formatting of if .

How it works:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    float alturas = 0.0f;
    int contador = 0, masculinos = 0, femininos = 0;
    printf("Cálculo de alunos e alunas e média de suas alturas\n");
    while (contador < 3) {
        float altura;
        char gen;
        printf("Digite a altura e o sexo do aluno\n");
        scanf("%f", &altura);
        scanf("%s", &gen);
        if (gen == 'm' || gen == 'M') masculinos++;
        else if (gen == 'f' || gen == 'F') femininos++;
        else continue;
        alturas += altura;
    printf("A média de altura dos alunos é: %f\n", alturas / contador);
    printf("Temos %d alunos homens e %d alunos mulheres\n", masculinos, femininos);
09.04.2018 / 15:43