Mini Search Engine


I am doing a mini search system for urls that are stored in a .txt file, one per line, my problem is the performance issue because I have 5000 urls stored (only) and it is already slow in the search , on the server side I have:

if(isset($_GET['search'])) {
    $urls = array();
    if(trim($_GET['search']) != '') {
        $urls = search_in_urls($_GET['search']);
    echo json_encode($urls);
function search_in_urls($search) {
    $file = fopen("urls.txt", "r");
    $urls = array();
        $url = fgets($file);
        if (strpos($url, $search) !== false) {
            $urls[] = $url;
    return $urls;

I saw this response accepted in SOen and would like to implement it, but how to return all lines where a match is recognized with my $search ?

The search solution I saw and would like (unless there are better options) to implement was:

if(exec('grep '.escapeshellarg($search).' ./urls.txt')) {
    // do stuff

That is, is there any way I can not go through all the lines looking for a match (set of chars like the one I wrote) and return that corresponding line in full? Or at least to make this search much faster?

asked by anonymous 05.08.2016 / 16:12

1 answer


If I understood the question well, you want this:

$matches = array();
if(exec('grep '.escapeshellarg($search).' ./urls.txt', $matches)) {
    // $matches contém as linhas encontradas

Simply refer to the exec reference to an array where the output will be saved. And the output of grep is just the lines of the file where there were matches of the regular expression.

05.08.2016 / 16:43