Error in validating the signature in the iti verifier using the demoseller to sign the document


I am signing documents in CADES format and using the Demosello library in version 3.2.10 " org.demoiselle.signer ", " org.demoiselle.signer ", and " org.demoiselle.signer " the act of signing in and checking in on my application is working normally. To reform the manual tests, I make the checks on the following platforms:

1.bryclound verificação
3.Assinador da SERPRO
4.E em uma plataforma da Europa (

Everyone validates the signature as being correct. But my goal is to validate on:


It informs you that there was an error generating report, that's all. Has anyone ever faced this problem?

asked by anonymous 28.06.2018 / 13:18

1 answer


In fact, something very strange happened. I rebooted the computer and created a new project, and everything worked normally. Now everything does not make sense anymore.

Maybe this one ( link ) has some problems.

02.07.2018 / 12:08