Good afternoon I create in Delphi a temporary Sql table, that is, it does not exist physically. I can even write data to it, but I can not put the information in a dbgrid:
1) I created the table like this:
qryCIDtemp.SQL.add('Create table ''#tempCiD''(SUS varchar(50), Saude varchar(50), Diferenca varchar(30), dtCompetencia char(6)'); //Cria tabela temporária
qryCIDtemp.sql.clear;// limpa conteúdo do dataset
qryCIDtemp.sql.Add('Insert into ''#tempcid''(SUS,Sanitas,Diferenca,dtCompetencia)');
qryCIDtemp.sql.Add('values (:SUS,:Saude,:Diferenca,:dtCompetencia)');
2) I recorded inside while not eof ..., just a part of the code here for you to understand:
qryCiDtemp.ParamByname('SuS').value := qryCidProcedimentoBKP.FieldByName('cdcid10').AsString ;
qryCIDtemp.ParamByname('Saude').value:= qryCid.FieldByName('cdcid10').AsString ;
qryCIDtemp.ParamByname('Diferenca').value:= 'CID';
3) I do not know if it was necessary but I used but the following command:
qryCIDtemp.SQL.add('Select * from ''#tempCID''');
4) Only after this I tried to show the result in dbgrid using the code: obs: dbgrid is without datasource
with qryCIDtemp do
dbgrid2.Columns[0].FieldName :='sus';
dbgrid2.Columns[0].Title.Caption := 'Informação SUS';
dbgrid2.Columns[0].Width := 500;
dbgrid2.Columns[1].FieldName := 'SAuDE';
dbgrid2.Columns[1].Title.Caption := 'Informação Saúde';
dbgrid2.Columns[1].Width := 500;
dbgrid2.Columns[2].FieldName := 'Diferença';
dbgrid2.Columns[2].Title.Caption := 'Diferença';
dbgrid2.Columns[2].Width := 200;
dbgrid even shows the caption's filled and width correctly, but it is empty.
In the form I have a query named qryCIDtemp, in the string property there is no SQL statement. Has a DaSource connected to qryCIDtemp
The DataSource property of qryCIDtemp is empty, do I have to put some information here? How temporary I do not know what to fill.
If someone can help me, I'm very grateful.