Talk the guys! I work most of the time filling out web forms, and most of the time I get about 50-100 pages with the same data ... So I have to manually fill out one by one. I had the idea of creating an extension in Chrome that allows me to fill out these forms with 1 click only. But I also need to execute the following javascript:
javascript: resRecebimentoSelecionado('1', 'Fulano de Souza', 'Gerente');
Currently my extension is
var data = document.getElementById("txtDataRecebimento");
data.value = "20/06/2018";
var motorista = document.getElementById("txtTransportadorNomeMotorista");
motorista.value = "Fulano";
var placa = document.getElementById("txtTransportadorPlacaVeiculo");
placa.value = "LLLXXX";
var obs = document.getElementById("txtObservacoes");
obs.value = "N/C";
Does anyone have any idea how I can perform this Javascript?