How do I make / call the AJAX url?


To contextualize :

There is a remote directory, clearing-dit\logs , which has a series of logs ( portal.log , test.log , ...). This directory is mapped to an HTML page, where all its .log's are displayed. Once one of them is clicked, its respective content is displayed.


<pth:utext="${log.content}">Log content</p>

The need to make this content continue to be displayed (its updates) every 5 seconds, in real time and without having to update the entire page, only updating where the content is. I've been researching and seen that I can / do it through an AJAX, but the concept of it is somewhat vague to me.

My question:

How do I make / call the AJAX url? I know that in AJAX there are two type fields - > POST / GET and url - > (?), but I can not understand how this crossover works, because in theory, if it were possible to call the method that displays the current content:

@RequestMapping(value = "/log", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String logContent(@Valid Log log, BindingResult bindingResult, Map<String, Object> model) {
        if (log.getInitLine() == 0 && log.getFinalLine() == 0) {
            try {
                log.setContent(getLogContentByRange(0, log.getInitLine(), log.getFinalLine(), logsDir + "/" + log.getFilename()));
            } catch (IOException e) {
        } else {
            log.setContent(getLogContentByRange(0, log.getInitLine(), log.getFinalLine(), logsDir + "/" + log.getFilename()));

        model.put("path", logsDir);
        model.put("log", log);
        model.put("currentPage", "logs");
        model.put("root", root);

        return "log";

Every 5 seconds, I would solve the problem.

asked by anonymous 01.08.2018 / 16:37

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