Turning bank result into JSON into Amcharts pattern


I'm using the Code Igniter framework. I have the following model:

public function getVendasVendedor() {
        $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM vendas_vendedor");

        return $query->result();    

My Controller:

public function retornaJsonVendasVendedor() {
    echo json_encode($this->vendasm->getVendasVendedor());

Returning JSON from the controller:

    "nomeven":"JOAO FELIPE RIBAS"
    "nomeven":"JOAO FELIPE RIBAS"
    "nomeven":"JIAN LEANDRO FERMINO"

Debug the result of the Model:

[0] => stdClass Object
        [anomes] => 201601
        [totven] => 1218000.0000
        [codven] => 117285
        [nomeven] => JOAO FELIPE RIBAS

[1] => stdClass Object
        [anomes] => 201701
        [totven] => 78000.0000
        [codven] => 117285
        [nomeven] => JOAO FELIPE RIBAS

[2] => stdClass Object
        [anomes] => 201602
        [totven] => 2800.0000
        [codven] => 109959
        [nomeven] => JIAN LEANDRO FERMINO

I need to generate a JSON, in the following pattern, which would be for a chart using amcharts:

  "category": "2013-08-24",
  "value1": 417,
  "value2": 127
}, {
  "category": "2013-08-25",
  "value1": 417,
  "value2": 356

My question is how to distribute the bank information to generate the JSON. To have the result more or less as below:

asked by anonymous 31.07.2018 / 19:01

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