Error initializing app created with ionic 4


Hello, I started an application with ionic 4 by CLI, the very basics.

Commands used:

== > $ ionic start app-build blank --type = angular

== > $ cd app-build

== > $ ionic cordova platform add android

== > $ ionic cordova build android

So long so good! I get the app with the $ ionic serve command to see if there is any good JavaScript error and you do not have it.

I download the app to my device: Moto G1 | Android 4.4.4 and install it. When I run the app it opens a dialog box with the title: Application Error and with the following error: net :: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

OBS: I tested on a device: Samsung J5 | Android 6.0.0 and worked good!

Now I do not know if it might be Android version problems if they can help me, I'll be grateful.

asked by anonymous 27.07.2018 / 18:03

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