How to declare objective function in Python containing the same variable but for different intervals?


I have a binary variable x [i] [j] [t] defined in the range

for i in dat.I for j in dat.I if i != j for t in range(len(dat.H[0]) + 1)

I need this variable to be multiplied by a -Lambda [i] [t] parameter in a given situation and that the variable x [j] [i] [t] (changing the order of the indexes) is multiplied by a lambda parameter [i] [t] considering the following summations:

-Lambda[i][t] for i in dat.I for j in dat.I if i != j for t in range(dat.p[i][0] + dat.SETUP[i][j][0],min(len(dat.H[0]) - dat.p[i][0] + 1,len(dat.H[0]) - dat.p[j][0] + 1))


Lambda[i][t] for j in dat.I for i in dat.I if i != j for t in range(dat.p[j][0] + dat.SETUP[j][i][0],min(len(dat.H[0]) - dat.p[i][0] + 1,len(dat.H[0]) - dat.p[j][0] + 1))

However, when I declare this objective function I get the following error:

cplex.exceptions.errors.CplexError: Inconsistent arguments

Can anyone help me? Here is part of the code that causes the error:

IT = [(i,j,t) for i in dat.I for j in dat.I if i != j for t in range(len(dat.H[0]) + 1)]
nx = ["x(" + str(i) + "," + str(j) + "," + str(t) + ")" for i in dat.I for j in dat.I if i != j for t in range(len(dat.H[0]) + 1)]

sp.variables.add(obj = [-Lambda[i][t] for i in dat.I for j in dat.I if i != j for t in range(dat.p[i][0] + dat.SETUP[i][j][0],min(len(dat.H[0]) - dat.p[i][0] + 1,len(dat.H[0]) - dat.p[j][0] + 1))],\
                    types = ['B'] * len(IT),\
                    names = nx) #Variável x binária

sp.variables.add(obj = [Lambda[i][t] for j in dat.I for i in dat.I if i != j for t in range(dat.p[j][0] + dat.SETUP[j][i][0],min(len(dat.H[0]) - dat.p[i][0] + 1,len(dat.H[0]) - dat.p[j][0] + 1))],\
                    types = ['B'] * len(IT),\
                    names = nx) #Variável x binária

Note: Summaries consist of "subsets" of the initial variable x [i] [j] [t].

asked by anonymous 03.07.2018 / 03:45

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