Importing data type 1,000 (thousands) of html


I'm importing data from the public database:


with the following code:


for (i in 1:8){
    url_BF <- sprintf('', 2*i+18,"SC")
    html_BF <- url_BF %>%
      httr::GET() %>%
      httr::content('text', encoding = 'latin1') %>%
      xml2::read_html() %>%

    data_BF <- html_BF[3] %>%
      html_table(header = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
    data_BF <-

    if(i >= 1 & i < 5){
      linhas = c(294,295)
    }else if(i >= 5){
      linhas = c(296,297)

    data_BF <- data_BF[-linhas,]
    data_BF <- data_BF %>% select(c(1,2,3,4))
    data_BF <- data_BF %>% mutate(ANO = 2009+i)

    if(i == 1){
    data_BF_ano <- data_BF  
    }else if(i > 1){
    data_BF_ano <- data_BF_ano %>% full_join(data_BF)

After extracting the table of interest and transforming it into data.frame , R is understanding the numeric values "1,000" as decimals, however the point indicates thousands according to the database.

How do I make it understand that this is a thousand or how can I remove the point without changing the data structure?

asked by anonymous 04.07.2018 / 20:58

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