Can any project be appropriate to SOLID principles? What are the steps to this?


I'm trying to tailor one of my projects to SOLID standards , however, I'm not getting out of milestone . The project in question can be found at: link

After a few tries the following doubts appeared:

  • Is every project passive to conform to all 5 principles advocated by SOLID standards?
  • Do these principles have some hierarchical dependency on implementation?
  • I believe that the SSRP principle can be considered a starting point, but then, what would be the next principle to be met, there is a logical order (not mandatory per se but yes logic) ?
  • In one of my attacks, I tried to use the IISP principle, however, I could not determine interfaces + common signatures . Until I got to a common interface, however, the signature of this interface differed between the project classes ( Crphp \ src \ Soap.php and Crphp \ src \ ClientGeneric.php ). What to do in these cases? Does such a small project (module) require the creation of more than one interface to try to bridge this barrier?

The 5 principles mentioned above are:

  • SSRP - Single responsibility principle
  • OOCP - Open / closed principle
  • LLSP - Liskov substitution principle
  • IISP - Interface segregation principle
  • DDIP - Dependency inversion principle

Source: link

asked by anonymous 17.08.2018 / 16:14

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